There are 132 expired New Mobile Homes for Sale listings in Nevada.

2012 Daisy by Nationwide Homes
0 1 24 ft x 12 ft 300 sqft Park Model
This modular eco-cottage is a great design for a separate sleeping quarters or hobby space for your arts & crafts or even an office space. The open space allows a large amount of natural light to enter the space.
2012 Starling by Nationwide Homes
0 1 20 ft x 12 ft 250 sqft Park Model
This is the smallest modular eco-cottage available. A great design for a separate sleeping quarters or office space.
2012 Daisy by Nationwide Homes

0 Beds, 1 Baths, 300 sqft, Park Model
2012 Starling by Nationwide Homes

0 Beds, 1 Baths, 250 sqft, Park Model