There are 183 expired Mobile Home Lots for Sale listings in Alabama.

0.19 acre Lot
0.19 acre
AL, ADAMSVILLE 35005 - Mobile Homes Express has 0.19 acres of land for sale. For more information call Mobile Homes Express at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 86365468. The property manager is Lakesha Va...
1.00 acre Lot
1.0 acre
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, inc...
15.00 acre Lot
15.0 acre
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, inc...
1.40 acre Lot
1.4 acre
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, inc...
2.50 acre Lot
2.5 acre
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, inc...
3.00 acre Lot
3.0 acre
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, inc...
0.44 acre Lot
0.44 acre
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, inc...
2.00 acre Lot
2.0 acre
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, inc...
0.52 acre Lot
0.52 acre
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, inc...
5,000 sqft Lot
5000.0 sqft
Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Lots front Shiloh Road (Geneva County Rd. 69) in the city limits of Hartford, Al in the Dundee community, with 50' road frontage each. 100% financing available via contract for the sale of real estate on 10 year terms. Payment...
0.19 acre Lot

0.19 acre
1.00 acre Lot

1.00 acre
15.00 acre Lot

15.00 acre
1.40 acre Lot

1.40 acre
2.50 acre Lot

2.50 acre
3.00 acre Lot

3.00 acre
0.44 acre Lot

0.44 acre
2.00 acre Lot

2.00 acre
0.52 acre Lot

0.52 acre
5,000 sqft Lot

5,000 sqft