There are 12,480 expired Mobile Homes for Sale listings in Maine.

3 Bed 2 Bath 2004 Liberty
3 2 24ft x 56ft 1,344 sqft
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, i...
3 Bed 2 Bath 1998 Hart
3 2 26ft x 64ft 1,664 sqft
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, i...
3 Bed 2 Bath 1997 Norris
3 2 14ft x 76ft 1,064 sqft
This is a repossessed property owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date material listed. The information listed, i...
3 Bed 3 Bath 1993 Mobile Home
3 3 1,809 sqft
This property is Real Estate Owned, or REO. The property was foreclosed and repossessed by a lender when the owner failed to make payments. A bank is now the owner. Since banks are not in business to own homes, they are usually interested in selling ...
4 Bed 1 Bath 2002 Mobile Home
4 1 1,658 sqft
This property is Real Estate Owned, or REO. The property was foreclosed and repossessed by a lender when the owner failed to make payments. A bank is now the owner. Since banks are not in business to own homes, they are usually interested in selling ...
3 Bed 2 Bath 1990 Mobile Home
3 2 1,404 sqft
This property is Real Estate Owned, or REO. The property was foreclosed and repossessed by a lender when the owner failed to make payments. A bank is now the owner. Since banks are not in business to own homes, they are usually interested in selling ...
3 Bed 3 Bath 1993 Mobile Home
3 3 1,809 sqft
This property is Real Estate Owned, or REO. The property was foreclosed and repossessed by a lender when the owner failed to make payments. A bank is now the owner. Since banks are not in business to own homes, they are usually interested in selling ...
2 Bed 1 Bath 1975 Mobile Home
2 1 816 sqft
This is a VA home. The Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) has foreclosed on this home after the original owner couldn't meet their payments. The VA may sell this home to anyone. Sales are not limited to military service people. Buyers interested i...
4 Bed 1 Bath 2002 Mobile Home
4 1 1,658 sqft
This property is Real Estate Owned, or REO. The property was foreclosed and repossessed by a lender when the owner failed to make payments. A bank is now the owner. Since banks are not in business to own homes, they are usually interested in selling ...
Mobile Home
This property is Real Estate Owned, or REO. The property was foreclosed and repossessed by a lender when the owner failed to make payments. A bank is now the owner. Since banks are not in business to own homes, they are usually interested in selling ...
3 Bed 2 Bath 1998 Hart

3 Beds/2 Baths