There are 237 expired Mobile Home Lots for Sale listings in Tennessee.

TN, PARROTSVILLE - Land for sale.
1.0 acre
TN, PARROTSVILLE 37843 - VMF Homes has 1.00 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 57152825. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc., ...
TN, WHITWELL - Land for sale.
0.45 acre
TN, WHITWELL 37397 - VMF Homes has 0.45 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 610363880. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc., r...
TN, MOHAWK - Land for sale.
0.52 acre
TN, MOHAWK 37810 - VMF Homes has 0.52 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 77226218. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc., repres...
TN, KNOXVILLE - Land for sale.
0.18 acre
TN, KNOXVILLE 37918 - VMF Homes has 0.18 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 77299646. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc.,...
1.50 acre Lot
1.5 acre
This is a repossessed mobile home lot in Cedar Grove, Tennessee owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of ...
0.93 acre Lot
0.93 acre
This is a repossessed mobile home lot in Kodak, Tennessee owned by 21st Mortgage. General disclaimer - The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out of date m...
TN, BUTLER - Land for sale.
2.25 acre
TN, BUTLER 37640 - VMF Homes has 2.25 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 610844120. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance...
0.89 acre
Nothing to do but move your home onto. Rural community in Philadelphia community near Greeneville, TN. You can be in your home by Christmas and enjoy the surrounding beauty. $28,000 OBO. 423-257-2283
TN, COPPERHILL - Land for sale.
0.37 acre
TN, COPPERHILL 37317 - VMF Homes has 0.37 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 57027672. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance ...
TN, MC DONALD - Land for sale.
0.58 acre
TN, MC DONALD 37353 - VMF Homes has 0.58 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 77210671. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Fin...
1.50 acre Lot

1.50 acre
0.93 acre Lot

0.93 acre